Ever since the foundation of Coinart, coinage has been the flagship of its production. This ancient art, full of wisdom and mystery, is developing thanks to today’s modern technologies. The coin is cold minted with a rockerthat, depending on the size and complexity of the object , can reach a power pressure up to 700 tons. The stages needed to complete the coin are many. The coin is cold minted with a rocker that, depending on the size and complexity of the object , can reach a power pressure up to 700 tons. The stages needed to complete the coin are many.Molteplici le fasi successive che servono ad ottenere il conio. La medaglia viene così coniata a freddo con bilanceri che, secondo la grandezza e la complessità dell'oggetto da stampare, possono arrivare ad una forza di pressione di 700 tonnellate.